Photo of Shawna Dolansky

Shawna Dolansky

Shawna Dolansky specializes in biblical studies in the College of Humanities at Carleton University. Her main interests focus on the history and religions of Israel and the ancient Near East, as well as the development of the Hebrew Bible.

Her research incorporates a myriad of tools, including literary criticism, anthropology and archaeology, so that she can understand the worlds of the original authors and the audiences of the biblical texts.

Before coming to Carleton, Shawna earned a BA in history from Queen’s University. She went on to graduate school at the University of California San Diego where she received a MA in Jewish studies and a PhD in the history of biblical Israel.

After a post-doctoral fellowship with the University of California, Shawna was an assistant professor at Northeastern University in Boston before returning to her native Ottawa.

Shawna’s dedication to translating abstract biblical texts to digestible university-level content won her the Carleton University Provost’s Fellowship in Teaching Award in 2013.