Carleton University is a member of the Council of Undergraduate Research (CUR) – a group of educational institutions in the United States and Canada with a focus on developing undergraduate research opportunities for both undergraduate students and faculty. Each spring, the CUR hosts the annual National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) in celebration of the research completed by students in the academic year. The conference is usually held in the first week of April just after classes end, with a different location each year.

NCUR gives students an opportunity to present research to their peers, receive valuable feedback from faculty from other institutions, network with colleagues and hear from inspiring speakers.

As part of Carleton’s ongoing support for undergraduate involvement in research, Teaching and Learning Services (TLS) is pleased to provide financial support for a select number of students whose work is accepted to NCUR, covering the cost of conference registration, travel and residence.

NCUR 2024

The 2024 U.S. National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) will be held by California State University – Long Beach (CSULB) from Apr. 8 to 10, 2024.

Submission Process

To be considered, students with a professor’s nomination must:

  1. Prepare an abstract of a conference paper that you propose to present at NCUR. Please follow the abstract guidelines provided by NCUR but do not apply directly to NCUR at this time. 
  2. Send the abstract to TLS using the online form below. Your application must be received by Nov. 19, 2023.
  3. You will receive an email from TLS letting you know if you have been selected to apply to NCUR along with instructions on how to proceed.

PLEASE NOTE: It is the student’s responsibility to obtain appropriate and correct documentation to travel to the United States. TLS will not cover any cost or reimbursement with regards to obtaining these documents.

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