Please reference the Undergraduate Calendar for the necessary prerequisites.

Course Term Instructor
PSYC 3000 A :  Design and Analysis in Psychological Research Fall-Winter
PSYC 3000 B : Design and Analysis in Psychological Research Fall-Winter
PSYC 3000 C : Design and Analysis in Psychological Research Fall-Winter Yan Liu
PSYC 3000 D : Design and Analysis in Psychological Research Fall-Winter Craig Leth-Steensen
PSYC 3000 E : Design and Analysis in Psychological Research Fall-Winter
PSYC 3000 F : Design and Analysis in Psychological Research Fall-Winter
PSYC 3001 B : Psychological Testing Winter Craig Leth-Steensen
PSYC 3100 A : Social Psychology (Honours Seminar) Fall-Winter Chad Danyluck
PSYC 3106 A : Close Relationships Winter Cheryl Harasymchuk
PSYC 3300 A : Health (Honours Seminar) Fall-Winter Kate Dupré
PSYC 3300 B : Health (Honours Seminar) Fall-Winter Rachel Burns
PSYC 3301 A : Sport and Performance Psychology Fall Matthew Sorley
PSYC 3301 B : Sport & Performance Psychology Winter Katie Gunnell
PSYC 3302 A : Positive Psychology Fall John Zelenski
PSYC 3302 B : Positive Psychology Winter John Zelenski
PSYC 3307 B : Human Neuropsychology II Winter Brian Tansley
PSYC 3400 A : Forensic Psychology (Honours Seminar) Fall-Winter Craig Bennell
PSYC 3400 B : Forensic Psychology (Honours Seminar) Fall-Winter Kevin Nunes
PSYC 3400 C : Forensic Psychology (Honours Seminar) Fall-Winter Kevin Nunes
PSYC 3402 A : Criminal Behaviour Fall Kelly Babchishin
PSYC 3402 B : Criminal Behaviour Fall Shelley Brown
PSYC 3402 C : Criminal Behaviour Winter Kelly Babchishin
PSYC 3403 A : Addiction Fall
PSYC 3403 B : Addiction Fall Kim Lassiter
PSYC 3403 C : Addiction Winter
PSYC 3404 A : Police Psychology Fall Craig Bennell
PSYC 3404 B : Police Psychology Winter Craig Bennell
PSYC 3405 A : Psychology of Motivation and Emotion Fall Marina Milyavskaya
PSYC 3500 A : Developmental Psychology (Honours Seminar) Fall-Winter Robert Coplan
PSYC 3505 A : Exceptional Children Fall Vivian Lee
PSYC 3505 B : Exceptional Children Winter Vivian Lee
PSYC 3506 A : Cognitive Development Fall Jordan Schoenherr
PSYC 3506 B : Cognitive Development Winter
PSYC 3507 B : Social Development Winter Kira McCabe
PSYC 3508 A : Child Language Fall
PSYC 3509 B : Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood Winter Lisa Menard
PSYC 3511 B : Psychology of Aging Winter Cassandra Morrison
PSYC 3600 A : Personality (Honours Seminar) Fall-Winter Marina Milyavskaya
PSYC 3603 A : Psychology of Women Fall Suzanne Cooper
PSYC 3603 B : Psychology of Women Winter
PSYC 3604 A: Clinical Psychology and Mental Illness Fall
PSYC 3604 B: Clinical Psychology and Mental Illness Winter
PSYC 3604 C : Clinical Psychology and Mental Illness Fall
PSYC 3700 A : Cognition (Honours Seminar) Fall-Winter David Sidhu
PSYC 3702 A : Perception Fall Brian Tansley
PSYC 3709 A : Language Processing and the Brain Winter
PSYC 3801 B : Organizational Psychology II Winter
PSYC 3802 A : Transition to Career Fall Janet Mantler
PSYC 3802 B : Transition to Career Winter Janet Mantler
PSYC 3901 A : Practicum in Psychology Fall  Cheryl Harasymchuk
PSYC 3902 B : Practicum in Psychology Winter  Cheryl Harasymchuk
PSYC 3902 C : Practicum in Psychology Winter Kirk Luther
PSYC 3905 A : Practicum in Psychology Fall/Winter Cheryl Harasymchuk

Every effort is made to ensure accuracy.

The course list and information that appears on the individual course pages (e.g., designated instructor, evaluation criteria and instructor statements) are subject to change. Updates will be posted as necessary. Please keep this in mind when making registration decisions.