Nextcloud Login URLs
Setup Your NextCloud Account
Forgot Password
Cloud Storage Information
Nextcloud Documentation and Support

NextCloud is a suite of client-server software used for hosting and sharing files. This service is offered to Computer Science students enrolled in courses which can make use of large file sharing. NextCloud functions similar to other cloud storage systems like Dropbox, Google Drive, or Microsoft OneDrive.

Nextcloud Login URLs

These URLs can be used to login to the web interface for NextCloud:

You can also setup Nextcloud clients to connect to the service.

Setup Your NextCloud Account

Your NextCloud account is tied to your SCS Account. To access NextCloud, you will need to be enrolled in a course which is using the NextCloud service. Almost all COMP courses are eligible for NextCloud.

Not sure if you qualify for a NextCloud account? In many cases your instructor will direct you to the service if required. To check if your account has already been enabled, you can attempt to login to the NextCloud student web interface.

Creating an Account, Changing Passwords, and Logging In

Your NextCloud account access makes use of your existing SCS Account. If you have not set that up, you will need to do so first.

Forgot Password?

To change your Nextcloud password please use the SCS Online Account Management tool:

Nextcloud Documentation and Support

Visit the NextCloud Documentation site learn more about he various NextCloud services, including: