After an extensive three-year pilot program, Carleton University has officially adopted cuPortfolio as the university’s electronic portfolio system. It will now be fully supported campus wide.

Powered by Mahara, cuPortfolio is a student-centered learning tool that provides a venue for students to collect and showcase academic and co-curricular “artifacts” (e.g. assignments, projects, videos, blogs, images, etc.). Students can engage in reflective learning as they make connections between those artifacts and their experiences and accomplishments.

cuPortfolio can be shared with peers, professors and potential employers both to demonstrate a student’s learning process and to provide concrete evidence that they have met specific course and/or program level learning outcomes.

During its pilot phase, over 5,500 users accessed cuPortfolio in more than 150 classes. It was incorporated in a variety of courses in each of the five faculties at both the graduate and undergraduate level. Find out how instructors in the pilot program thought cuPortfolio enhanced the student learning experience here.

You can learn more about tool on the cuPortfolio Support Site and the new cuPortfolio Help Centre.

If you are interested in incorporating cuPortfolio into one of your upcoming courses or at the program level, please contact the Educational Development Centre at and we’d be happy to work with you. We are also hosting a number of hands-on Introduction to cuPortfolio workshops over the summer.