As part of Carleton’s ongoing support for undergraduate involvement in research, the Discovery Centre is pleased to provide financial support for a select number of students to attend the U.S. National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) at Montana State University March 26-28, 2020.

NCUR gives students an opportunity to present research to their peers, receive valuable feedback from faculty from other institutions, network with colleagues and hear from inspiring plenary speakers.

If you have a student in mind who has been doing exceptional research, please encourage them to submit an abstract proposal to the Discovery Centre by Oct. 31. When preparing their proposal, students should follow the guidelines provided by NCUR.

Limited spaces are available. The Discovery Centre will notify both you and your student by email if they have been selected. NCUR nominations will also be considered for the Inquiry@Queens undergraduate student research conference in spring 2020.

For more information, please contact