The number of applications for the first summer I-CUREUS and Students as Partners (SaPP) programs has exceeded expectations. We are happy to announce that 46 students have been approved to participate in the programs this summer.

The I-CUREUS program gives students the opportunity to be paid for conducting research in their discipline or an area of interest. In addition to developing their research skills, students will benefit from mentoring and exposure to research scholarships. This summer, we’ve been able to provide more of these opportunities to students thanks to additional funding support from the Office of the Vice-President (Research and International), the Faculty of Engineering and Design, the Faculty of Public Affairs and the Faculty of Science.

The Students as Partners program fosters greater collaboration between instructors and students in developing and designing courses. It allows instructors and learning support staff to provide a paid work experience to undergraduate students interested in teaching innovation and curriculum design.

Information about upcoming opportunities for the fall term will be available shortly.