The MacOdrum Library has installed a showcase on the second floor highlighting last year’s Internship-Carleton University Research Experience for Undergraduate Students (I-CUREUS) projects.

The showcase features research posters that last year’s I-CUREUS student cohort presented at the inaugural I-CUREUS conference. The 2020 I-CUREUS conference will be held in the Discovery Centre on April 8 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Faculty, staff and students are invited to attend to learn about the research projects faculty and students have collaborated on.

I-CUREUS provides undergraduate students with a four to eight-month internship opportunity to work with a faculty member on a paid research project. Students gain both practical and theoretical experience and are able to make substantial contributions to research.

Now in its seventh year, I-CUREUS has grown in popularity and is currently hosting its largest cohort.

Learn more about the students who have participated in I-CUREUS through their testimonials on the Discovery Centre website.