For the first time, Teaching and Learning Services (TLS) is offering fully funded I-CUREUS and Students As Partners (SaPP) opportunities during the summer term.

The I-CUREUS program, provides undergraduate students an opportunity to work with a faculty member on a paid research project. There are five spaces available (subject to funding opportunities) for internships spanning May to August 2020. The program provides students with access to research scholarships, mentoring and the opportunity to develop research skills in their discipline or area of interest. Applications (completed by both the supervising faculty member and the student) are due April 3, 2020. Get all the details here:

The Students as Partners Program (SaPP) offers faculty, instructors, contract instructors and learning support staff the opportunity to provide a paid work experience to undergraduate students interested in teaching innovation and curriculum design. The application deadline has been extended until April 3. Get all the details here: