Did you know that D2L Brightspace updates every month with new features, settings and security patches? Are you looking to stay updated on the latest changes to the learning management system (LMS)? There are a few routes to explore to stay informed.

Each month, TLS tests new system updates. We provide a short summary of the changes, the impact to you and links to support documents for Carleton users on our “What’s New with Brightspace?” page. We also host Brightspace Community of Practice meetings where you can find out about the latest LMS changes, see new settings demonstrated and share ideas with fellow instructors. Sign up here to join our community and stay informed.

In addition to our regular summaries, Brightspace provides a Known Issues List to share problems found in the LMS. Known issues are problems that have been identified by other Brightspace users and confirmed by D2L staff. Often these known issues are the basis of future LMS developments. To access the Known Issues List, you’ll need to create a Brightspace Community account, which will also give you access to documentation, help from other users around the world, and the ability to submit and review product improvement requests in the Product Ideas Exchange.