Welcome, digital creators! The Experiential Learning Hub (ELH) Creation Suites are a digital makerspace facility informed by the spirit of creativity and exploration of digital technology for education. Whether you’re an instructor interested in producing instructional materials, or a student working on a course assignment, the Creation Suites offer resources for XR project development and digital media makers. 

Creation Suite Resources

Located at the Experiential Learning Hub on the 6th floor of Southam Hall, we offer a digital sandbox of tools and resources.

Ergonomically friendly and accessible suites are available for mixed reality (XR) and media creation:

  • Powerful PC workstations with a suite of XR development tools installed (Unity, Unreal, Blender, Metashape, EON-XR).
  • 3D scanning workstations: digitize an object to 3D using an Einscan tabletop scanner (see sample projects, course-related uses and scanning tips).
  • M1 iMacs for video editing, audio recording/editing, and screen capture (Final Cut Pro X, iMovie, Garageband, Audacity, Camtasia). 
  • Audio podcasting suites capable of dual-track recording and featuring high-quality Shure microphones and acoustic panels.

Additional services and resources: 

  • Portable equipment lending service is available at D299 Loeb. Use the booking form below to make a request. 
  • Tutorial videos and other resources on the TLS Mediaspace channel. 
  • XR development and Media creation consultations.
  • Course support options for instructors, including in-class orientations and training.
  • Orientations and technical support during office hours. Please note that technical support for XR development tools may be limited due to the nature of emerging technology.

NOTE: Removable storage devices are not available. You are responsible for bringing a removable storage device, thumb drive, or portable hard drive to save projects and files. All Carleton students and staff also have access to their own OneDrive storage.

Instructor testimonials

Looking for inspiration or use cases? Check out how other instructors have used the Creation Suites to level up!

Booking a Suite

Priority is given to student media production for course assignments, and other instructional purposes, on a first-come-first-served basis. Suites are available to book during regular business hours (9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday).

Book a suite

Booking Portable Recording Equipment

Looking to borrow media production equipment? Please submit a ticket here and staff will be in touch shortly to confirm availability. Equipment will be available for pickup in Loeb D299 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday to Thursday, and 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Friday while classes and exams are taking alone.

Book media production equipment

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General Contact and Hours of Operation

Main Office Location: 626 Southam Hall
Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday
Phone: 613-520-3817
Email: NewMedia@carleton.ca