Past Event! Note: this event has already taken place.

CDF Workshop: Assessment Fundamentals

October 25, 2022 at 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM


Facilitator: Morgan Rooney (EDC)

Assessment is often one of the most dreaded parts of teaching and learning. But as challenging as it can be, designing sound assessments is critical to the success of your course.

In this workshop, you’ll participate in activities that will enable you to:

  • Distinguish between various types of assessment on the basis of their purpose and place in learning
  • Discuss methods and tools for providing effective feedback to support student learning
  • Appreciate the role grading plays in communicating student learning and highlight techniques that can make that communication clear and accurate

You’ll leave this session with refreshed ideas on a range of assessment principles and purposes, and an appreciation of the importance of designing assessment strategies as one of the first stages of course design.

This session is intended for all participants who are involved in designing learning experiences, in any delivery format.

This is part of Course Design Fundamentalsoffered by TLS. Participants who complete five workshops and a guided reflection of the experience will receive a letter of completion to include in their teaching dossier. To enrol in the CDF program, please complete this form and register for the workshops here.

Space is limited. Please register in advance by filling out the form below.