Photo of Farid Asey

Farid Asey

Adjunct Professor

Degrees:Joint Honours BA, History and Political Science (Waterloo); MA, Political Science (British Columbia); PhD, Social Work (Toronto)


SOWK 5702, Special Topics in Social Work
SOWK 4301, Racialization and Social Work
SOWK 4004, Social Policy Development and Practice
SOWK 3001, Introduction to Research Methods in Social Work
SOWK 3002, Introduction to Statistical Analysis in Social Work

Research interests:

  • Institutional racisms and structural violence at work
  • Contemporary colonialism and/in the public sector
  • Macro social work practice, policy development and liberatory change through advocacy
  • Social work education and deconstructing Eurocentric methodology
  • White supremacy, white fragility, and the moral injury of excluding ‘others’
  • Knowledge production and epistemic violence in integrative antiracist research

Current projects:

  • Racist graffitis and ambient violence: Clamouring complacency or complacent clamouring
  • Afghan refugees and their lived experiences with racisms in Canada

About me:

Farid is an uninvited, non-White settler on the traditional and unceded territories of the Algonquin Nation in what is today known as the National Capital Region. He is an Adjunct Research Professor and a contract instructor at Carleton University’s School of Social Work. Prior to Carleton, he engaged in research and teaching at the University of Toronto where he earned his PhD in Social Work in 2021. Farid is also a Labour Relations Researcher with the Association of Justice Counsel in Ottawa.

Farid’s research interests surround examining the biopolitics and the biopower of race in subjugating racialized bodies at work. Specifically, he is interested in uncovering mechanisms of workplace discrimination to understand how they limit life chances for the racialized and entangle possibilities for meaningful liberatory antiracist action at work. He embraces a collaborative approach in his knowledge creation and dissemination endeavours in a way that foregrounds the perspectives of those who have firsthand lived experiences with identity-based oppression.

Farid’s teaching is guided by a range of social-justice-oriented critical theories that aim to raise our critical consciousness on how oppression thrives in our midst in today’s purportedly postcolonial world. Acutely aware of the colonial origins of his Western education, one that has exclusively used English as the medium of communication, Farid routinely engages in un-learning of ‘grand narratives’ and re-learning of ‘epistemologies of ignorance,’ urging himself and his students to reflect on the genealogies and ontologies of oppressive knowledge as they relate to the socially and historically marginalized groups.

As a macro social work practitioner, Farid frequently engages with federal and provincial bureaucrats and bureaucracies to generate new knowledge on multiculturalism, equity, diversity and inclusion as discursive devices that manage the script of difference in Canada. With a curious fascination for whiteness’s operations in workplaces, he seeks to understand the institutionalized manifestations of racisms in policy attitudes that are sediments of colonial thinking. Farid is keen to continue his research, teaching and social justice praxis to shed light on not only the ways in which whiteness marks and targets racialized bodies at work but also how whiteness continues to limit possibilities for antiracist action by lulling us into complacency.

Select Publications

Asey, F. (2023). If I had a magic wand: Speculative everyday anti-racism for addressing workplace discrimination in British Columbia’s public sector. Social Work & Society, 20(2), 1-19.

Asey, F. (2022). Privation of inclusion: An exploration of the stealth and the strategy that sabotaged racialized public servants’ career mobility in British Columbia, Canada. Administration & Society, 1-34. doi: 10.1177/00953997211073742

Asey, F. (2022). The quiet purge: a qualitative exploration of sidelining, denigrating and dehumanizing racialized public servants in British Columbia. Social Identities, 1-21. doi: 10.1080/13504630.2022.2057291

Asey, F. (2022). The indignities of working with racism: Physical, emotional and familial tolls of experiencing workplace racial discrimination. Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work. doi: 10.1080/15313204.2022.2095070

Asey, F. (2021). The wretched of the work: Anger, fear and hopelessness as impacts of experiencing workplace racism in British Columbia, Canada. Critical Social Work, 22(2), 2-23. doi: 10.22329/csw.v22fi2.7096

Asey, F. (2021). The ugly side of beautiful: A qualitative exploration of perceptions of and identifications with race among non-white public servants in British Columbia (BC). Canadian Ethnic Studies, 53(2), 69-90.  doi:10.1353/ces.2021.0009

Asey, F. (2021). The body, the stranger, and cordon minoritaire: A phenomenological exploration of contained workplace mobility among racialized public servants in British Columbia. Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race, 18(1), 181-197. doi:10.1017/S1742058X20000272