1. Carleton University Experiential Learning Fund
  2. FUSION Skills Development Fund
  3. Future Learning Innovation Fellowship
  4. Contract Instructor Teaching Innovation Grant
  5. Course Transformation Fund
  6. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Grant
  7. Teaching Development Grant

Carleton University Experiential Learning Fund

The Provost established the Carleton University Experiential Learning Fund (CUELF) to increase the number of experiential learning opportunities for Carleton students, to enhance existing experiential learning opportunities at Carleton, and to support the articulation of employability skills for students within the institution’s academic programming. The fund supports two types of projects: course projects (up to $2,500 per project) and program level projects (up to $10,000 per project).

FUSION Skills Development Fund

This initiative is aimed at helping students develop important transferable skills. Through funding from Employment and Social Development Canada, the FUSION Skills Development Fund provides $2,000 to instructors to support them in embedding FUSION modules into any course to enhance student learning and professional growth. Funding is currently available for courses that will be offered in summer and fall 2025.

Future Learning Innovation Fellowship

This fellowship provides funding and support for instructors to explore innovative technologies that address defined teaching and learning challenges, such as enhancing student engagement or improving student success. Fellowships run for 12 months. A total of five fellowships will be awarded. 

Contract Instructor Teaching Innovation Grant

This grant provides support for investigating student learning and alternative approaches to teaching and assessing student learning at the individual, departmental, faculty, or institutional levels. The overall aims are to foster deep student learning and promote curiosity, reflection and exploration in the areas of teaching and learning. Two $6,000 grants are available annually.

Course Transformation Fund

Due to budgetary restrictions, this grant is suspended until further notice. Applications will not be accepted for 2024-25.

This fund provides funding and support for instructors and academic units interested in reimagining or redesigning courses in which instructors, academic units, or students may face significant challenges

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Grant

Due to budgetary restrictions, this grant is suspended until further notice. Applications will not be accepted for 2024-25.

This grant provides funding for Carleton’s instructors to engage in systematic, evidence-based, scholarly investigations of all aspects of teaching and learning in a post-secondary context. Financial support in the range of $1,000 – $5,000 per project is available.

Teaching Development Grant

Due to budgetary restrictions, this grant is suspended until further notice. Applications will not be accepted for 2024-25.

This grant encourages investigations and implementations of new approaches to teaching and learning in Carleton’s classrooms. It also allows Carleton’s instructors to further develop their teaching skills, and to enhance conversations about teaching and learning across academic units. The financial support in the range of $500 – $2,500 per project is available.