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Return to Campus: Parking Services FAQs

Return to Campus Fall 2021: Parking Services FAQs

Q: When will parking fees be re-instated for parking permits and visitor parking?

A: Visitor parking fees will need to be paid beginning on Sept.1, 2021. Staff and faculty parking permits will be charged on the first pay in October 2021 (Oct. 14).

Q: I pay for my parking permit through payroll deduction. How do I renew my permit?

A: For those who pay for their permit by way of payroll deduction, no action is required. Your permit has been active (but not charged) throughout the period of suspended fees. Payments will resume being deducted from your pay as of the first October pay (Oct. 14, 2021) unless you request a cancellation of your permit by Sept. 15, 2021.

Q: I am a staff member who purchases a Yearly permit every year. How do I renew my permit?

A: When the yearly permit renewal period begins on July 19, 2021, you can log on to your Parkadmin account at, and then click on “Payments” at the top of the home screen. Here, you will see your 2021-‘22 parking permit awaiting renewal. Once the permit is paid for, your permit will be active and valid until April 30, 2022. You have until Sept. 30, 2021 to renew your permit. Any permits not renewed by this date will be offered to those on the waiting list.

Q: Yearly permit holders did not receive a refund for April 2020 when the university was closed and fees were suspended. Will this be calculated into the price of my permit?

A: Yes it will be. Although you will be renewing your permit for September, you will be paying the pro-rated October 2021 rate. We are not charging you for September 2021 since you were charged for April 2020 when your permit was not used.

Q: I am a new staff or faculty member at Carleton. How can I arrange purchasing a parking permit?

A: Please contact Parking Services at to discuss the purchase of a new parking permit. Our team can provide information regarding availability, price, and waitlist length for the parking lots on campus.

Q: I will be on campus infrequently. What are my options?

Option 1: Continue paying for your parking permit. This secures your permit for your parking spot for your eventual return to campus.

Option 2: Cancel your parking permit. You then have the option to add yourself to the waiting list for your lot or another lot in preparation for your eventual return to campus. This option does not guarantee your spot will be available for when you return to campus full-time.

Option 3: Follow steps from Option 2, and use the HotSpot mobile app to pay a discounted visitor rate for the days in which you need to be on campus. More details regarding this option will be available at a later date.