Accessible Parking on Campus

Parking Services is committed to providing accessible parking accommodation for students, staff, faculty, and visitors to Carleton University. Throughout the year, Parking Services regularly monitors the allocation, demand and usage of accessible parking spaces and accessibility permit programs available to persons with disabilities. Campus Safety Officers and Student Safety Patrollers are proactive in targeting violators to ensure that accessible parking is reserved for legitimate users.

Please note: Accessible parking arrangements (e.g. a specific parking space on campus) are assessed based on degree of mobility and physical disability to determine whether a designated space or zone class accessible permit is required.

Within the Province of Ontario, both physically disabled drivers and physically disabled passengers who have a valid Accessibility Parking Permit (APP) are entitled to Accessible parking privileges in public parking areas and on public roadways. At Carleton University, APP permit holders are required to pay the same parking fee as charged to other parking lot users on campus.

How to Obtain a Carleton Accessibility Permit

As a provincial APP permit holder:

  1. Self-identify at the Parking Services office (204 Pigiarvik, formerly Robertson Hall) with your APP permit. There is free temporary parking outside the building.
  2. Present your APP permit to Parking Services staff for verification.
  3. Pay for your Accessibility Permit.
  4. Begin parking in any marked accessible parking space or visitor parking space on campus.

Without a provincial APP permit:

  1. Schedule a meeting with one of the following departments: The Paul Menton Centre (for students). Faculty and staff can contact Human Resources to discuss temporary accessible parking options. If you have a concern about the accommodation provided, you can contact Equity and Inclusive Communities.
  2. Once a suitable option is agreed upon, one of the above noted groups will communicate the student, staff, or faculty member’s specific needs to Parking Services staff.
  3. Parking Services will accommodate the student, staff, or faculty member and communicate to them how to make payment for the permit.
  4. Begin parking in any marked accessible parking space or visitor parking space on campus.

Temporary Accessibility Parking Permit

Parking permit holders who demonstrate accessibility needs because of temporary reduced mobility must have a referral in order for the Parking Services Office to accommodate them with a more convenient parking spot. Please note that the referral gives access to a temporary parking permit for a limited period of time. If this allocated time period is not adequate in regards to the permit holder’s needs, the student, staff, or faculty member must obtain an Accessible Parking Permit (APP) from a provincial transportation authority (i.e.: Service Ontario).


  • Your Accessibility Parking Permit or Carleton Accessibility Permit only allows you to park in marked accessibility spaces or any visitor parking space on campus. If you park in a space that is designated as reserved, you will be ticketed.
  • Accessibility Permit holders cannot stop in school bus loading zones, taxi zones, fire routes, or police/Safety vehicle zones.
  • Accessibility Permit holders are subject to all other Traffic and Parking ByLaw provisions such as the prohibition of blocking driveways, parking in front of fire hydrants, and parking within nine meters of an intersection.
  • Vehicles must not be stopped or parked so as to obstruct traffic.
  • “No Stopping” regulations are in effect on many roadways during peak traffic hours, usually Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. and from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Accessibility Permit holders are NOT exempt from these regulations.