1. Wooclap Account Provisioning
  2. Creating a Wooclap Activity in a Brightspace Course
  3. Presenting a Wooclap Activity in a Brightspace Course
  4. Editing a Wooclap Activity in a Brightspace Course
  5. Additional Support

This page contains instructions on creating, presenting and editing a Wooclap activity in your Brightspace course, as well as the account provisioning process for Wooclap accounts at Carleton.

Wooclap Account Provisioning

If you do not yet have a Wooclap account, creating a Wooclap activity in a course page in Brightspace will automatically provision an account under Carleton’s license. This is the recommended method for acquiring a Wooclap account.

Creating a Wooclap Activity in a Brightspace Course

  1. Log into Brightspace with your MyCarletonOne credentials.
  2. On the Brightspace homepage, locate your course in one of the following ways:
    • Select the course tile under the My Courses widget.
    • Select the Course Selector Grid  and select the course from the drop-down menu.
      TIP: If you are enrolled in more than 20 courses, you can search for the course name using the search bar.
  3.  In the navbar, select Content.
    Screenshot of Brightspace navbar with red callout around Content.
  4. Select a Module.  
  5. Select the Existing Activities button. 
  6. Select External Learning Tools from the menu options.
    Screenshot of Topic creation menu with a red callout box around the Existing Activities button
  7. Select the Create New LTI Link button at the bottom of the pop-up overlay.
    Screenshot of the Create new LTI Link button
  8. In the “Create” pop-up overlay, you’ll need to enter the following information (as shown in the screenshot below): 
    1. For the Title, enter whatever you’d like your Wooclap event to be called (e.g., “Wooclap Intro Activity”).  
    2. In the LTI URL field, you must enter the following URL exactly as shown: 
    3. Then the Tool field should automatically populate with the correct information, “Wooclap Deployment”.
      Screenshot of the Create an activity screen with red callout boxes around the Title, LTI URL, and Tool fields.
      NOTE: The LTI URL field must include the entire secure link https://app.wooclap.com. If any other link to Wooclap is entered, the activity will not work.

There is now a link to the Wooclap event as a Topic item in your course. To confirm, refer to example below.

Screenshot of the Wooclap activity in the Course module

Presenting a Wooclap Activity in a Brightspace Course

  1. Log into Brightspace with your MyCarletonOne credentials.
  2. On the Brightspace homepage, locate your course in one of the following ways:
    • Select the course tile under the My Courses widget.
    • Select the Course Selector Grid  and select the course from the drop-down menu.
      TIP: If you are enrolled in more than 20 courses, you can search for the course name using the search bar.
  3.  In the navbar, select Content.
    Screenshot of Brightspace navbar with red callout around Content.
  4. Select the Module that contains the Wooclap Activity. 
  5. Select the Wooclap activity.
    Screenshot of the Wooclap activity in the Course module
  6. Use this space to present your Wooclap activity to your students.
    Screenshot of the Wooclap activity dashboard
NOTE: Your students can also access this Wooclap activity from the same link. Instead of seeing this edit screen, they would enter the participation screen.

Editing a Wooclap Activity in a Brightspace Course

  1. Log into Brightspace with your MyCarletonOne credentials.
  2. On the Brightspace homepage, locate your course in one of the following ways:
    • Select the course tile under the My Courses widget.
    • Select the Course Selector Grid  and select the course from the drop-down menu.
      TIP: If you are enrolled in more than 20 courses, you can search for the course name using the search bar.
  3.  In the navbar, select Content.
    Screenshot of Brightspace navbar with red callout around Content.
  4. Select the Module that contains the Wooclap Activity. 
  5. Select the Wooclap activity.
  6. Use this screen to edit the Wooclap activity (add questions etc.). If you’d like to do this in full screen, you can select the full screen icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen.
    Screenshot of the Wooclap activity dashboard

Additional Support

Wooclap Support

Teaching and Learning Services Contact Information

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