Notifications are automatically generated, text-based messages triggered within a course that update D2L Brightspace users about changes or updates to the course. The course must be active to send notifications. Brightspace users can have notifications sent directly to their email or phone. Notifications are customizable and can be enabled/disabled by every user in Brightspace.


    • Course notifications are only sent from Active courses. For more information on how to make your course active, visit our support page: Making Courses Active or Inactive.
    • Course Announcements are not emailed out to students before the course start date, nor after the course end date. Thus, announcements will not trigger a notification before the course start date/after the end date. However, instructors can adjust the default start and end dates for their Brightspace courses in the Course Offering information page to allow for announcements outside of the set dates. ***All correspondence after the last day of classes should be made by Classlist email function. If you wish to make announcements after the last day of classes, you will need to update your class’s end-of-date setting.*** For information on how to change your class’s end-of-date setting, visit our support page: Changing Course Start and End Dates.
    • Demo Student accounts will not receive notifications, as they do not have actual email addresses to receive notifications.
    • Notifications in the mini-navbar persist for 90 days. Selecting the alert icon will display the most recent 5 alerts in the drop-down menu with a “Load More” button to display the next five alerts in chronological sequence. These alerts are enabled by default and inform students when new Content has been created, when grades and feedback have been released, and other such updates for courses they’re enrolled in.

Customize Your Notification Settings

  1. Log into  Brightspace with your MyCarletonOne  credentials. 
  2. Select your personal menu, where your name appears at the top right of the pageA drop-down menu will appear with various profile settings. Screenshot of top right of Brightspace page with red callout around the personal menu button.
  3. In the drop-down menu, select Notifications. 
  4. On the Notifications page, review your notification settings under the following headings:
    • Contact Methods – Review your email and mobile number.

      NOTE: By default, your Carleton email address will be used for all email notifications. To add a different email address, select “change your email settings”.

      NOTE: To get notifications sent to your phone, select “Register my mobile” and follow the steps to set up your mobile device. 

    • Summary of Activity – Choose how often you would like a summary of activity for each of your courses within Brightspace.

      NOTE: This is optional. If you would like to use this notification feature, it can be specified for daily or weekly summary reports.  

    • Instant Notifications – Select to choose your preferred method of notification for each listed action in a course. You have the following notification options: SMS (text) or Email.

      NOTE: You can only enable SMS notifications once you have registered your mobile number under Contact Methods.

    • Customize NotificationsSelect any custom notifications you wish to include.
    • Exclude Some Courses – You may exclude courses from your notification settings using manage my course exclusions. 
  5. When you are finished customizing your settings, select Save. You have now customized your notifications for your Brightspace account. You may revisit this page and make changes at any time.

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