Every user in D2L Brightspace is assigned a role that specifies their access permissions in a course and in Brightspace LMS. The main user roles are described in more detail below. Users can be added to a course via the Classlist in the course Tool; however, some user roles can only be enrolled via request to TLS Support. For instructions on adding users to a course, visit the page Enrolling Users in a Course.

The following roles are available to assign in Brightspace courses:

Role and Use Cases Permissions Access Restrictions

  • Instructor is the default role assigned to teachers in charge of courses.
  • The Instructor is the manager of the course.
  • Instructors can edit the content and activities of the course and perform all grading functions.
  • This role also controls course access by adding new users, making the course visible or hidden and controlling access to content.
  • Appears in classlist.

Uses: Instructors are usually academic course managers. Instructor roles are assigned by default to the assigned teacher in charge of the course.

  • Announcements — full access
  • Assignments and Assignment grading–full access
  • Attendance– full access
  • Calendar– full access
  • Checklists– full access
  • Classlist– full access
  • Enrol some users with lesser permissions
  • Classlist–view and enroll any role with lesser permissions
  • Content– full access
  • Grades– full access
  • Discussions– full access
  • Grades and Grading– full access
  • Groups and Group enrollments– full access
  • Homepages and Widgets– full access
  • Import/Export/Copy Components to and from org units
  • Quizzes– full access
  • Role switch – learners, non-registered students, guest, notetaker-PMC

  • Can only impersonate Demo Learners
  • Cannot enrol Learners
  • Cannot un-enrol users in a course
  • Can be enrolled in Teams as a team owner
  • Can access inactive courses

  • Facilitator is typically assigned to non-academic course managers, such as those teaching Professional Development courses or resource courses.
  • The Facilitator is the manager of the course.
  • Facilitators can edit the content and activities of the course and perform all grading functions.
  • This role also controls course access by adding new users, making the course visible or hidden and controlling access to content.
  • Appears in classlist.

Uses: Users who need Instructor-level permissions but are not formal instructors. Professional Development or HR courses might use the Facilitator role.

  • Announcements — full access
  • Assignments and Assignment grading–full access
  • Attendance– full access
  • Awards –create, issue, revoke
  • Calendar– full access
  • Checklists– full access
  • Classist– full access
  • Enroll users with lesser permissions
  • Classlist–view and enroll any role with lesser permissions
  • Content– full access
  • Grades– full access
  • Discussions– full access
  • Grades and Grading– full access
  • Groups and Group enrollments– full access
  • Homepages and Widgets– full access
  • Import/Export/Copy Components to and from org units
  • Quizzes– full access
  • Role switch – learners, non-registered students, guest, notetaker-PMC, read only

  • Enrol/unenroll users
  • Can use badges/awards
  • Can be enrolled in Teams as a team owner
  • Can access inactive courses
Lab Coordinator

  • Lab Coordinators have the same abilities as the Instructor role.
  • This role is able to view/edit/add course content and perform all grading functions.
  • Lab Coordinators can also communicate with students through forums, email and other communication tools.
  • Appears in Classlist.

Uses: Lab Coordinators who are enrolled into the main course page by the Instructor.

  • Announcements – Full access
  • Assignments – Full access
  • Attendance – Full access
  • Calendar – Full access
  • Checklist – create/remove checklists
  • Class Progress – Full access
  • Classlist – view Classlist and enroll any role with lesser permissions.
  • Content – Full access to manage content and release conditions for content. Can not submit/delete feedback on content.
  • Discussions – Full access
  • Grades – Full access
  • Groups – Full access
  • Homepages – Can see my courses widget, see updates widget, override release conditions on widgets
  • Import/Export/Copy Components – import/export/copy to and from org units
  • Intelligent Agents – Full Access
  • Manage Courses – Can change banner image and manage dates
  • Quizzes – Full access
  • Role switch – all roles except super admin, admin, admin lite, examinations, instructional designers, designers, instructor
  • Surveys – Full access
  • Create/remove Surveys and Question Library
  • Cannot unenroll users
  • Can manage homepages or widgets
  • Can impersonate Demo Learners
  • Cannot change course status (activate/inactivate)
  • Can be enrolled in Teams as a team member
  • Can access inactive courses

  • Designer role is essentially the opposite of the TA, in that Designers can add/edit different components of the course.
  • Designers cannot, however, engage in any grading functions
  • Role appears in the classlist.

Uses: Course partners who need access to course setup and design or curriculum development.

  • Announcements – full access
  • Assignments – Full access for assignments
  • Attendance – full access
  • Awards – full accesss
  • Calendar – Full access
  • Checklist – create/remove checklists
  • Classlist – view Classlist and enroll any role with lesser permissions
  • Content – Full access
  • Grades — add/remove items
  • Discussions – Full access
  • Groups – create/remove groups
  • Homepages – Full access
  • Import/Export/Copy Components – import/export/copy to and from org units ·
  • Manage Courses – Can change banner image, change dates
  • Quizzes – Full access
  • Role switch – all roles except super admin, admin, admin lite, examinations, instructional designers
  • Surveys – Full access at course level. Create/remove surveys and question library
  • Access Grades and Class Progress
  • Can unenroll users
  • Change the status of a course (activate/inactivate)
  • Can be enrolled in Teams as a team member
  • Can access inactive courses
Teaching Assistant

  •  Teaching Assistants are able to view course content, grade assignments and add marks to the grade book.
  • TAs can also communicate with students through forums, email and other communication tools.
  • TAs do not have the ability to edit or add any content to the course page.
  • This role appears in classlist.

Uses: Basic TA role for TA assignments

  • Announcements – Full access
  • Assignments – Full access
  • Attendance – Full access
  • Calendar – Full access
  • Checklist –  Full access
  • Class Progress – Full access
  • Classlist –  Full access·
  • Content –  view content but not edit
  •  Discussions – Full access to discussions at the course level except unable to edit/copy or delete any post or create/add release conditions.
  • Grades – Full access
  • Groups –  Full access
  •  Import/Export/Copy Components – import/export/copy to and from org units ·
  • Manage Courses – Can change banner image and manage dates
  • Quizzes – Has access to grade submitted quizzes
  • Role switch – can role switch with learner, non-registered student, Notetaker-PMC, read only
  • Surveys – Full access
  • Delete/add/edit assignment folders or edit evaluation properties for assignments
  • Create/edit/delete course content
  • Create/edit/delete any posts
  • Can manage homepages or widgets
  • No access to intelligent agents
  • Cannot change course status (activate/inactivate)
  • Cannot enroll users
  • No access to impersonate users
  • Can be enrolled in Teams as a team member
  • Quizzes – Can not access question collections, preview and reorder quiz, enter in-progress quiz as user, manage quiz reports, see stats for any quiz
  • Can access inactive courses
Teaching Assist
(Full Rights)

  • Teaching Assistants (Full Rights) have the same abilities as the Instructor role.
  • This role is able to view/edit/add course content and perform all grading functions.
  • TAs can also communicate with students through forums, email and other communication tools.
  • Appears in Classlist.

Uses:  TAs who are taking an active part in creation of the course or course materials.

  • Announcements – Full access
  • Assignments – Full access
  • Attendance – Full access
  • Calendar – Full access
  • Checklist – create/remove checklists
  • Class Progress – Full access
  • Classlist – view Classlist and enroll any role with lesser permissions.
  • Content – Full access to manage content and release conditions for content. Can not submit/delete feedback on content.
  • Discussions – Full access
  • Grades – Full access
  • Groups – Full access
  • Homepages – Can see my courses widget, see updates widget, override release conditions on widgets
  • Import/Export/Copy Components – import/export/copy to and from org units
  • Manage Courses – Can change banner image and manage dates
  • Quizzes – Full access
  • Role switch – all roles except super admin, admin, admin lite, examinations, instructional designers, designers, instructor
  • Surveys – Full access
  • Create/remove Surveys and Question Library
  • Cannot unenroll users
  • Can manage homepages or widgets
  • No access to intelligent agents
  • Can impersonate Demo Learners
  • Cannot change course status (activate/inactivate)
  • Can be enrolled in Teams as a team member
  • Can access inactive courses

  •  Learner role is the default role assigned to formally registered students within Brightspace.
  • Learners are able to view course content, participate in activities, and to see their own grades (if made visible by the instructor).
  • This role appears in classlist and gradebook.

Uses: Default role assigned to all registered students or participants in courses.

  • Announcements–view
  • Assignments–view and submit
  • Checklists–view
  • Grades and Class Progress–view own only
  • Content–view and download
  • Discussions–view and post to
  • Quizzes and Surveys–view and take

  • Cannot edit/delete content
  • Cannot impersonate any users
  • Cannot access inactive courses
  • Can be enrolled in Teams as a team member
Non-Registered Learner

  •  Non-registered Learner role is for students who are auditing a course in Brightspace.
  • Appears in classlist.
  • Non-registered Learner is a copy of the Learner role.

Uses: Assigned to students who are not formally enrolled via the Registrar’s Office (i.e. auditing students, SaP students)


  • Announcements–view
  • Assignments–view and submit
  • Checklists–view
  • Grades and Class Progress–view own only
  • Content–view and download
  • Discussions–view and post to
  • Quizzes and Surveys–view and take
  • Cannot receive a final grade via E-grades
  • Cannot be enrolled in Teams
  • Cannot edit/delete conent
  • Cannot impersonate users
  • Cannot access inactive courses

  • Guest is a “read-only” role that allows users view access to all content, without the ability to participate in course events/grading.
  • Appears in the classlist.

Uses: Guest speakers, Community Partners, Carleton Staff (i.e. Co-op presentations)

  • Announcements–view
  • Calendar–view and manage tasks
  • Checklists–view
  • Content–view and download
  • Groups and Sections–view
  • Surveys and Quizzes–view
  • View or submit assignments
  • View forums and discussions
  • Take quizzes or surveys
  • Cannot see classlist
  • Cannot see groups and group enrollments
  • Cannot be enrolled in Teams

  • Notetaker–PMC is a role assigned to individuals who are in the course to assist another student by taking notes.
  • The role has access to content but cannot engage in course activities.
  • Appears in the classlist.

Uses: Notetakers working for the PMC

  • Announcements–view
  • Calendar–view and manage tasks
  • Checklists–view
  • Content–view and download
  • Groups and Sections–view
  • Surveys and Quizzes–view
  • Cannot view or submit assignments
  • Cannot take quizzes or surveys
  • Cannot see the classlist
  • Cannot be enrolled in Teams

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