Below you will find a series of tables that will connect you to the materials, resources, and services you need to make informed decisions about your online courses. 

“I Need Help Getting Started Teaching Online: Where Do I Begin?” 

Teaching Online A webpage that provides an overview of core resources and services to support your online teaching; includes information about workshops and services available to help you, the TLS support portal (including the course consultation request form), & much more

I Need Ideas: What Does/Can Teaching Online Look Like?” 

Online Course Design Guide A webpage that provides a high-level overview of steps to take for preparing & designing your online course
Welcome to My Online Classroom  An ongoing workshop series that features a different instructor each session, who showcases their online teaching and provides space for participants to ask questions and exchange teaching ideas
Dialing Up: Conversations on Remote Teaching An ongoing, informal series of conversations between colleagues on the subject of remote / online teaching
TLS workshops  An extensive catalogue of workshops that focus on the principles and practices of effective teaching (online and face-to-face) to help you make informed decisions about your teaching 
Recordings of past TLS workshops  MediaSpace channel of recordings of select past workshops that focus on the principles and practices of effective teaching (online and face-to-face) to help you make informed decisions about your teaching 
Jump-Start Teaching Online  series of videos by Carleton teaching experts that focus on strategies for communicating with students, developing activities and assessments, & more 
Approaches to Synchronous Teaching A webpage that reviews different approaches to synchronous teaching online, as well as some effective practices for using BigBlueButton
Course Design Fundamentals  self-paced program for faculty that focuses on the fundamental principles of course design; includes core and elective workshops and opportunities to practice applying course design principles and receive feedback from colleagues and TLS staff 
Faculty Teaching Mentors  A contact list of experienced Carleton instructors from different faculties and departments with a keen interested in pedagogy; contact your mentor to discuss your particular teaching challenges  
TLS Blogs  series of blog entries written by instructors and TLS staff about the transition to online teaching, best practicesteaching and learning research, & more
Midterm Feedback Evaluations  collection of resources to help you learn about Midterm Feedback and how to incorporate it into your courses; includes templates, instructions, & slides 
TLS Teaching Resources  collection of teaching tips that help you to search for help and/or ideas on a wide range of teaching issues 
Assessments and Exams: Considerations for Change  A webpage to help you to brainstorm ways to transition ‘traditional’ assessments into the online environment 

“I Need Tech Help: What Tools Are Available, & How Do I Use Them?” 

TLS Educational Technology  central webpage that provides information about available educational technologiesplus ideas & how to use them 
Brightspace A central webpage for Brightspace support for Instructors and Students; the Instructor support page includes screen-shot instructions for setting up different tools and activities in Brightspace FAQs, & information about different ways to get support from TLS and/or D2L
cuLearn to Brightspace Tool Crosswalk A comprehensive webpage that compares standard cuLearn and Brightspace tools and activities side-by-side, so you can see which ones transfer without issue, which ones require some tweaking, and which ones require the development of work-arounds
Brightspace Migration A support webpage that the provides information on the cuLearn-to-Brightspace course migration process, top tips, & a Brightspace consultation request form
Course Building Resources for Brightspace A support webpage that provides some pre-built items for inclusion in your Brightspace course page, including 6- and 12-week templates
Brightspace Support for Instructors  comprehensive support webpage about Brightspace for instructors – what’s possible, how-tostroubleshooting, and common questions about various tools and features 
Brightspace Tools Course A  self-enrollment course that provides an overview of the tools inside Brightspace
TLS workshops  An extensive catalogue of workshops about the different ed tech tools available to your Carleton, along with pedagogical strategies for using them, to help you make informed decisions about your teaching 
Recordings of past TLS workshops  MediaSpace channel of recordings of select past workshops that focus on different educational technology tools & best practices for using them, to help you make informed decisions about your teaching 
Brightspace Course Setup Guides A website that profiles our Brightspace Setup Guide; includes information about templates, setup checklists, samples course and more
cuPortfolio A support page for Carleton’s e-portfolio platform; includes how-tos and a Help Centre
Kaltura MediaSpace and Capture  central hub where you can learn about all things related to hosting and recording video at Carleton; includes information on Carleton’s mediaserver (MediaSpace), screen and video recording (Kaltura Capture), recording using webcams, phones, and recording handwriting with tablets, doc cams, and iPads
Web Conferencing at Carleton A central hub where you can find information about Carleton’s various web-conferencing tools as well as suggestions and strategies for using them
Zoom Resources  support webpage for Zoom, how to install it, where to find trainingand how to use it securely 
BigBlueButton  support webpage for BigBlueButton, how to set it up in Brightspace, how to host a session, & more 
Teams A support webpage for Teams, how to set it up, how to host a session, and suggestions for use

“I Need Access to Teaching Tech/Services: Where Can I Make Requests?”

NOTE: if you have difficulty reaching the Jira forms, please clear history and cache from your browser, or copy the button’s link into a ‘private’ or ‘incognito’ instance of a browser. You may also email if these methods don’t work.

Equipment Loans for Teaching Online A request form where you can submit requests to loan equipment needed for teaching online, including tablets, iPads, doc cams, wifi hotspots, web cams, & headsets
Brightspace Sandbox Course An intake form to request an empty Brightspace demo/’sandbox’ page where you can experiment with various tools and features 
Merge Brightspace Courses A request form where you can submit requests to merge, for instance, two sections of the same course into one Brightspace page
Brightspace Demo Learner A request form where you can submit requests for a Demo Learner account, which you can use to do quality assurance on your Brightspace page
Classroom Recording Requests A request form where you can book a classroom/recording crew for a Carleton Online (formerly CUOL) course
MacOdrum Library Reserves An online platform where you can submit ARES requests for course readings
Office 365 webpage where Carleton employees can get instructions on how to download the MS Office suite free of charge. 

“HyFlex Teaching: What Resources and Support Are Available to Help Me?”

HyFlex Support Page A central hub for all support services and resources relating to HyFlex teaching
Introductory Video A video that provides a quick introduction to the HyFlex teaching model
Book a Room Orientation A request form where you can submit a request for an orientation to your HyFlex teaching room
TLS Workshops An extensive catalogue of workshops that now includes workshops relating to HyFlex teaching
Recording of a Past TLS Workshop A video recording of a past “Introduction to HyFlex” training workshop
Course Consultation Request Form  registration form (via the TLS Support Portal) that places you on the radar of the full TLS team for help & support
Classroom Database A database you can search to locate virtual tours of your on-campus classroom(s)

“I Have Questions about the Syllabus: What Should Be Included?”

Course Syllabus Checklist A webpage that includes crucial information to consult when constructing your syllabus, along with required and suggested template language
Assessment A webpage that includes crucial information about assessment policies at Carleton, including options for online exams, as well as information about rubrics, multiple-choice exams, assignment prompts, and more
The Academic Year A webpage that provides a list of all key dates and holidays for each term.
Academic Regulations A webpage that details the various Regulations the govern academic activities at Carleton.
Copyright When Teaching a Virtual Class A support webpage that advises you on best practices for navigating copyright issues when designing your online courses / lessons
Adopting Third-Party Assessment Activities A PDF document that clarifies Carleton University’s policies regarding the adoption of technology-enhance learning resources into courses
Copyright and Faculty-Owned Materials website that advises faculty on copyright issues regarding their teaching materials, including what to do when a third-party posts your copyrighted course materials

“I Need to Support My StudentsHow Can I Help Students Succeed in Online Learning?” 

Departmental Service Listing A comprehensive list of student services at Carleton.
Getting Started in Your Online Course: A Guide for Students A handy 10-step guide for students to take to get ready for online learning
New Student Orientation A central hub for orientating new students to Carleton, with a special focus on online learning
Resources for Your Students Learning Online   central hub of student support resources to incorporate into your course; includes the Online Learning Orientation, online learning webinars, & more 
Carleton Online A webpage that offers support for students learning online
Brightspace Support for Students comprehensive support webpage about Brightspace for students
Ask: Chat with a Librarian A chat feature that students can use to directly connect with a university librarian
Technical Specs for New Students A resource webpage that your students can review to make sure that they have the required technical requirements for online learning
MS Office Suite webpage where Carleton students can download a free version of MS Office 365
Accessibility Resources A support webpage for instructors looking to make their course materials as accessible as possible for students
Student Support Services A central hub of student support services at Carleton
Supporting Students in Distress A guide and collection of resources for advising students in distress
BigBlueButton for Students A central hub the provides student instructions and resources for using BigBlueButton

I Need to Support My Teaching Assistants: How Can I Help TAs with Online Teaching?” 

TA Training Page  A comprehensive collection of training resources for TAs; includes information about compliance and pedagogical training, certificates, the TA Central Hub and other helpful resources
Working with TAs in an Online Environment  A webpage to help you envision a role for your TA(s) and as well as resources they can use 
Brightspace Support for TAs comprehensive support webpage about Brightspace for TAs – what’s possible, how-tos, troubleshooting, and common questions about various tools and features 
Scheduling a Zoom Meeting with Your TA as the Host A quick recording to show you how to create a Zoom session that your TA will host.

“I’m New to Carleton: Where Do I Start?” 

Contract Instructor Orientation  blended orientation program that connects contract instructors to available resources and services to help you teach onlineincludes an online resources page and live meet-n-greets where you can raise specific questions/concerns 
New Faculty Orientation A blended orientation program that connects you to new faculty members to available resources and services to help you teach online; includes an online resources page and live meet-n-greets where you can raise specific questions/concerns 

“I’m Not Sure What I Need: How Do I Get One-on-One Support?” 

Course Consultation Request Form  registration form (via the TLS Support Portal) that places you on the radar of the full TLS team for help & support 
TLS workshops  An extensive catalogue of workshops about the principles and practices of effective teaching (online and face-to-face) to help you make informed decisions about your own teaching 
Recordings of past TLS workshops  MediaSpace channel of recordings of select past TLS workshops about the principles and practices of effective teaching (online and face-to-face) to help you make informed decisions about your own teaching